Different Like You
My call to action is merely - if you care about diversity & inclusion - ask yourself, regardless of how you take part in this today, what part you want to (and will) play in the future?
Grounding Yourself Betters Everyone’s Performance
The more grounded you are in yourself the more you can guide others.
The Power of One Small Action
Life is fast-paced and we often move through it quickly, bypassing the small acts and emotions that make our lives rich instead of being fully in the present to recognize the significance of the moment.
Paddling Through Sea-Change
“The best way out is through” - Robert Frost
“Problems do not go away. They must be worked through or else they remain, forever a barrier to the growth and development of the spirit.” - M.Peck
Life, Liberty, and the Never-Ending Pursuit of Authenticity
Our fears of failing, of being imperfect, of seeming inconsistent, etc. may prevent us from trying new things that we are developing conviction around that will make positive impacts.