Client Testimonials
“Janet coached our team to streamline a set of operational activities that repeatedly had caused financial reporting delays to our executive team. Janet's patience and curiosity resulted in our team honing in on a more accurate level of effort for their work, articulating interdependencies, and exploring how to mitigate deadline interruptions. I was hoping Janet's coaching would help our team with work-life balance, but even more excited to have it result in a business process improvement!.”
— CEO, Technology & Communications Company
“You [Janet] truly helped us [our division] find our true north.”
— Director, Commercial Real Estate Group
[Janet]…helped me during a critical transition period as I stepped into a leadership role at a start-up. Speaking with her gave me a sense of calm and focus in what I could achieve. Today, as a result of my work with her helped me to refocus my energies and complete some major goals in my busy life. I have come to regard her as a valued friend as well as business advisor.
— Head of Consulting Services, Technology Logistics Company
“…has given more insight to what talents I bring to a team and how I can find opportunities that align more with my talents. I’ve increased my confidence in leading a team and have a clearer understanding of how to build culture on a team.”
— Director, Biotechnology Research Company
“You [Janet] were an amazing facilitator and this was the most constructive team building experience I've had in my career. I'm grateful to you and our leadership for this opportunity.”
— Participant of a four-month virtual team building engagement